I’m jumping back into the dating pool. The dating pool is scary for most, terrifying for someone with Lupus. I am also dealing with explaining my broken leg. People find it easier to understand a broken leg, and deal the time it takes to heal. Hopefully, my leg will get back to normal one day. With Lupus, nothing is normal. Not what normal use to be.
My first date is scheduled in a few days, I am nervous about when and how I should tell this man about my Lupus. I have to explain what it is, how it affects me, and why my life is the way it is. It’s easy to tell people when it’s for awareness, but different when I might face rejection. Someone who barely knows me has to accept me way I am, Lupus included.
How soon is too soon? How long is long enough? I feel like blurting it out as we start our date, to get it out of the way. That is a little aggressive and is likely to scare him off. I must find just the right words. I must explain my situation without asking for pity or getting the classic, “I’m so sorry.” Maybe I’ll luck out and he’ll have heard about or know someone with Lupus. Then he’ll have some understanding. I can only hope for the latter. Keep you posted.
Mission Accomplished: Spreading Lupus Awareness One Date at a Time
Thank you.
Posted by: lola nicachice | 07/05/2012 at 09:39 AM
As this is mine first visit to your blog and i like the write you shared about the dating dilemma.The innovation and motivation shared in the post makes me to think about dating aspects.
Hats off to your courage.....!!!
Posted by: Dating Sites | 05/27/2011 at 02:55 AM