It’s already a few days into 2013, and I still haven’t let go of 2012. Last year started off on a rough note. Let’s just say, some people from your past should remain there.
My bad leg isn’t so bad anymore. I started physical therapy (PT) to regain strength and mobility. After the second day, the pain was unbearable. The PT was breaking up scar tissue that prevented movement. I have a 10-inch scar on the inside of my ankle, and a 7 inch scar on the outside with scar tissue underneath.
My doctor gave me the option of having the metal plates and screws in my leg removed, which I eagerly accepted, and I endured surgery number four. The surgery was a success and I was feeling good until the weather changed. My ankle hurts like my other joints do in the winter; I guess it is something I’ll have to get used to.
I took my annual birthday trip. I had plans to go to Disneyland, but cancelled last minute and instead went to visit my brother, father, and his wife. Lupus fatigue came on hard after such a long flight. I didn’t get to do and see as much as I wanted, but I still had a good time. I visited my childhood home and things were the same and different at the same time. I even took a nap in my old room, now a guest bedroom. My Dad and I have never been that close, but after my grandmother’s passing, things are different now. Our family is too small and life is too short to harbor old resentments.
I also put myself on a strict diet and lost 35 pounds. I still have more weight to go, but I took a break over the holidays. I’m getting back on the horse tomorrow, and hopefully will be bikini ready by summertime.
As far as my lupus is concerned, my blood work says it’s “not active.” It sure feels active. Fatigue still dictates my life, and the pain makes me moody. Right now, I feel that I have more questions than answers, and I have a gang of doctors to see and a lot of testing to endure to find out where my body’s at.
They say that what you do on New Year’s Day will dictate the year you have and I had a good day. I am happy to officially put the lid on 2012, and I won’t let it jade me as I move forward into 2013. I just know 2013 is going to be amazing.
Mission Accomplished: I survived 2012 and looking forward to 2013.
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